This third edition booklet by Robert Young, now expanded to 55 pages, gives some excellent advice on starting and running a knife and scissor sharpening business. Also included are examples of many of the business and legal forms you will need. Available as a download or in printed form.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Fundamentals
III. Registering your Business
IV. Equipment Needed
V. Marketing your Business
VI. Suggestions on how to run your Business
VII. Potential areas of Expansion
VIII. Summary
Appendix A Sample Business Card
Appendix B Sample Brochure
Appendix C Sample Limited Partnership Agreement
Appendix D Sample Commercial Invoice
Appendix E Sample Farmers Market Invoice
Appendix F Contact Form
Appendix G Secretaries of State
Appendix H Small Business Resources
Appendix I Scissor and Clipper Sharpening
Appendix J Knife Sharpening Training
Appendix K Suppliers
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